Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Essentials

When you move to a new place, there are a lot of things to take care of. Changing all of your  bills to your new address, updating your driver's license and registration, finding a new doctor, etc. This is the drudgery of relocation. It's time consuming, but it does nothing to make you feel at home. For me, the true essentials of being happy where I live involve finding:

1) A "greasy spoon" diner - for the occassional big, fatty, sampler-platter style weekend breakfast (Now simply a guilty pleasure rather than the hangover cure of my college days.)

2) A good sushi bar - for sushi, obvi.

3) A running trail - which doesn't have to be an actual trail, just a safe loop with nice ambiance and hopefully some shade.

4) A library - I mean, I'm a librarian.

5) A tailor - for hemming everything to fit my stumpy petite frame.

Checking everything off this list can take a long time. Like me, you can be somewhere for years before experiencing the thrill of the find.

I had a bag of clothes that needed alterations sitting on my closet floor for literally a year until my friend Keekes recently recommended a good tailor. And oh, what a tailor he is! Not only does he do exquisite work at reasonable prices. He embodies the particularly wonderful je nes sais pas that I want for my tailoring experience -- or whatever the Italian equivalent of that is. When I walked in, I just about did a happy dance. The shop is tiny and old, with ancient but well maintained sewing machines in the workroom, bustling along with a sing-song whir. The tailor himself is a sweet older gentleman -- complete with a handlebar mustache! His movements are swift and proficient, and his thick Italian accent is a lovely bonus to the aura. Do I really need to fully understand what he's saying when he is obviously so competent? The answer is no.  He is like your grandpa if your grandpa is a happy and gentle soul, has impeccable taste, makes delicious homemade pasta sauce, and plays bocci on the weekends -- in other words, very lovable.

I am so glad I didn't cave and go back to the crappy lady at the dry cleaners down the street. I didn't expect to find the quintessential master tailor in the middle of South Carolina, but I'm happy that I did and it's made me feel a little more complete in this place.

I'm sure everyone has different things they look for in a new city -- the little finds that make you feel at home, and I'm curious...what are yours?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

After the Pause

As you can see, I recently took a nice long hiatus from blogging. What have I been up to, you ask? Actually, quite a lot. Here's a quick visual summary to catch you up:

I ran the Marine Corps Marathon - my 7th and The Hubs' 1st!
We celebrated our first wedding anniversary. Old cake! Yum!
We met Tom Selleck at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Gala.
What a fox! (And a nice guy)
We got all shnazzed up for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball
I graduated with my Master's degree in Library & Information Science!
We spent Christmas in California,
(image from
And found out that we'll be living apart for another year :(
(image from
I've been trying to stop the house from crumbling around me.
(Just kidding...kind of...)
Of course I've been hanging out with the pups!
And having snuggy snugs with Ziggy.
I'm still cooking a lot...
And finding things to organize...
And I'm keeping busy with work!
 Here I am at a recent Cocky's Reading Express event. So fun!
So there you have it. My recent life in a few snapshots. Looking forward to filling you in on the details now that life is settling back down again.

