Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Before My Husband Leaves

In just two short months my husband will move to another state, becoming what the military calls a "geographic bachelor." He will essentially relocate the contents of his man room to a small apartment eight hours away. He'll be at school--not deployed--so I don't have to worry about him being in danger unless you count the occasional paper cut. We'll see each other most weekends, and we're already used to spending a lot of time apart, so I'm also not worried about losing touch or the spark of our honeymoon phase. If anything, more time apart will probably extend our honeymoon phase for an extra year. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, yes? But what I'm really a bit nervous about...what I really want to know is...who is going to open the honey jar?

I admit I've grown soft in my marriage, coming to depend on The Hubs to pick up the slack for all of the million tiny things I forget, am incapable of, or simple don't feel like dealing with. Things like fixing the cars, killing roaches, carrying our beer pong team to victory (because I'm definitely no help there), providing enough body heat for both of us during the winter months, and of course anything involving math. Visitors to my house will hear many requests for "man hands" to open condiments, lift things that are heavy, and reach things that are high. He plants the grass and mows the lawn, or at least is there to troubleshoot when my infrequent attempts at lawn mowing go awry. ("So, your hippie-dippie non-motorized push mower won't roll forward? It might have something to do with that big stick caught in the blades.") Don't think that it's a one-way street with The Hubs doing all the work; I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has ever cleaned our toilets. But the point is, I rely on him an awful lot.

My standard reply, when man hands opens something on the first try after I've shredded my palms trying to do it, is "thanks," followed by "well, I loosened it up for you." It seems as though no matter how hard I try, it always takes one last touch from my big, strong hubby's hands to make everything turn out right. And I like that. It seems to be an apt metaphor for marriage. But the other day, when I wanted some honey for my tea and the lid just wouldn't budge, I passed it off to The Hubs. And instead of opening it with a mere flick of his wrist, he handed it back to me and told me to give it one last shot. And you know what? I got it. So I guess that's an apt metaphor for a military marriage. We will always rely on each other, and he'll be there when he can. But sometimes he'll have to pass everything back to me and I'll just have to make it work without him.

I don't know if he handed the jar back to me because he was sick of dealing with my feeble requests for help, because he just wanted to give me a confidence boost, or because he is slowly trying to prepare me to deal with life in his absence. But it seems to me that there are two ways of preparing for a separation, whether a deployment or a geo-bachelor TDY (temporary duty assignment). You can try to wean yourself off your spouse, taking on their jobs around the house and trying to figure everything out for yourself before asking them to step in. Or, you can sit back and let them help you out as much as possible now, because you'll be taking care of everything by yourself soon enough. If I'm feeling particularly lazy, I'm inclined towards the latter, i.e. "I'll be the only one cleaning the kitty litter box for nine whole months, so you should do it now even though you did it last time." But I guess a part of me does feel like it's time to slowly take on more and more responsibilities, testing out my self-sufficiency while I still have him here as my safety net.

What do you think is better: pulling away before he's actually gone, or keeping everything the same until the last possible moment?


1 comment:

  1. Well I finally figured out what was wonky about my comments settings, and why some people weren't able to post. Comments should now be open to everyone. Since I got some great advice from another very wise military spouse before fixing my settings, I'll post an excerpt of what she had to say so we all can learn from it :)

    "It is a weird limbo to be in, almost like recruiting duty-not a deployment but forced to be very independent of the 'normal' American marital arrangements. I say that it is a true testament to your husband that you have noticed those little things that he does. Most of us women take those things for granted, the jar openings, or in my world, any noise with the car-he is my first call. I would say try to keep life business as usual until he does have to be gone and then experiment with doing the man things when you have to. Think of it like this, we know these military men deploy eventually that doesn't mean we have to spend our whole relationship NOT loving those things they do. Enjoy every minute that he is there to open those jars you loosen. And it is ok to be sad, even if he is only 8 hours away, if you weren't sad I would worry. It is ok to love your husband, want to be with him, and to like being his wife. People don't recognize the challenges of the non-deployment deployments so I would say share that insight, many people will relate."

    Many thanks to Bianca Strzalkowski, our fabulous 2011 Military Spouse of the Year, for sharing your experience and insights with me!

    You can learn more about Bianca and all the wonderful things she's doing to strengthen the military community and empower all of us milspouses at http://www.milspouse.com/soyblog.aspx
