Saturday, February 26, 2011

Unraveled No More?

(not my photo)
I am a procrastinator. There, I've said it. And because of this character trait, I tend to accumulate a variety of loose ends until my life looks like a metaphorical fringed poncho...all encompassing, and seriously un-cute.

Thus, I have dubbed this Loose Ends Month! and I am swiftly tying off as many of those little frayed edges as possible. It's amazing how satisfying it is to check off even the smallest "to do" from my list. So far I've taken Ollie to the vet, returned days later to drop off his stool sample (lovely, I know), returned a stack of library books and paid my late fees, sent out a lot of emails and made some phone calls I've been meaning to, washed all our cloth grocery bags, mailed a sweater back to a friend, sent off our last two wedding gift thank you cards, scheduled a BYOB painting class, re-filled the sugar canister, cleaned out the inside of my car, procured my new married-name social security card and drivers license, and took care of a LOT of name-change hullabaloo with bank accounts, credit cards, car insurance, etc.

I still need to take a huge load of boxes to the recycling center, make doctor, dentist, and haircut appointments, finish a DIY project, get my bike tuned up, take a stack of clothes to get tailored and/or dry-cleaned, figure out our taxes, make some more phone calls to catch up with friends, sand down the door of our china cabinet so it opens and closes easier, and finally remove the stickers that came on our bathroom cabinet and have stayed there long after putting it together. Seeing as I have only two more days left in the month (darn you, February, for being condensed!) I will probably have some leftover fringe.

And because I seem to accumulate new loose ends as fast as I can tie off the old ones, I figure every month for the rest of my life will be Loose Ends Month. But whose isn't? As long as I'm steadily snipping away at everything, I feel a little less frazzled and a little more pulled together.

What are some of the random to-do's that you've been avoiding? You know, all those little (or big) things you walk past and notice twelve times a day without actually addressing. Please let me know that I'm not the only one!  :)



  1. I love the concept of Loose Ends Month-I need to do that, I may procrastinate a month on it though lol I, too, feel so accomplished when I cross something off the to-do. In honor of this blog, I am going to figure out what I have to 'tie up.' This was my favorite blog yet!

  2. No! You are not the only one. I have so many little things that need doing that I just put off. I need to take out the "trash" sitting on my kitchen floor, take books back to the libray, clean my disposal to get rid of some weird smell, make an apointment to see an apartment, and start on an assignment for 756, and go over to the state library to turn in a form for CRE. I recently did laundry which had been stacking up. I also finally got my broken window fixed. I love your "Loose Ends Month concept and I think if I think of it that way the more motivated I will be to not have any at the end of the month. Starting today. :)
