Friday, January 28, 2011

The Beginning

I started this blog for many reasons: to share, to explain, to vent, to remember, to allow my family and friends to keep up with us as we inevitably move around with the military, and to make a contribution to the mil-spouse blogosphere so others might get a more well-rounded glimpse into the unique kinds of people who make up this community. I didn't grow up in the military and am still very much on the learning curve. But I'm now a part of it, and it of me, and I have my own unique take on things.

Not everything I write will be about the military, of course. Like all other military spouses, while I am very proud to be included in that group, there is so much more to my life than that. This will just And my family. Written up and sent spiraling out into the interwebs.

For now, I will just start with "hello."


p.s. The name of this blog comes from our marriage vows:

"I take you, to be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I promise to support you and sustain you, to treat you lovingly and with respect, to speak with honesty and to listen with an open heart. In times of joy and sorrow, in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, I will be a faithful, committed partner to you, through all our years and all that life may bring us."

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