Sunday, January 30, 2011

Don't Rub Your Eye After Eating Wasabi Peas, and Other Life Lessons

Actually, that's the only life lesson I have for you today. But trust me, it's important enough to stand on it's own!

Lazy Sunday today...or more accurately Procrastination Sunday. For some reason I just cannot light a fire under my butt to knock out some of this school work. I woke up with all intentions of being productive. I went to church and helped out with the children's program for the first time, which was really fun and a good introduction to the dynamic of all the little personalities. I'm hoping to practice doing some story times for them at some point this semester, since I'm required to "perform" for a real-live group as one of my assignments (it's for a class called Library Programming for Children and Young Adults). We worked on an activity about the "story of stuff," tracing where all the stuff that we buy and use and throw away comes from, what goes into making it, and the human and environmental impact of it all. I attend a Unitarian Universalist church that is very much focused on making the world a better place through social action and realizing that we're all interconnected and have a responsibility toward one another and the earth. We learned about products like jewelry, cell phones, lotion and makeup, and cotton t-shirts. Did you know that it takes 256 gallons of water just to make one t-shirt? Well now you do.

Per our new Sunday tradition, The Hubs and I then went to a local diner for brunch, and then stopped by the grocery store. When we got home I put the groceries away and came right out to my office to get to work. The Hubs said he was going to vacuum and clean all the floors in the house. Didn't we sound so productive? soon as I sat down at my computer, I could barely keep my eyes open. And the couch across the room looked so comfortable...and there was a stack of clean quilts right next to it just waiting to be cuddled up under...and the door was open to this beautiful weather we had today...and the birds were chirping and there was a soft breeze wafting in. The whole world was set up in that moment for me to have The Perfect Nap. And when you are blessed with The Perfect Nap, you'd better darn well take advantage of it, because life doesn't get much more delicious than that. So I did. And then I woke up two hours later to our dogs terrorizing some passers by, also very much enjoying the day (our dogs, not the passers least not while they were being barked at incessantly). I went inside, feeling guilty for not getting anything done. But then I looked at the floors. And I noticed all the little tumbleweeds of pet hair still blowing around by my feet, and the dirt on the kitchen tile. And then I heard the sounds of a video game marathon coming from the man room.

So if I'm headed to hell on a road paved with good intentions, at least I'm not going alone.

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